With great sorrow, I write this, for I have made the difficult decision to remain silent for the sake of reticence. However, it is important that we document what has befallen our rafters, for the sake of future generations and for the sake of clarity. We cannot allow our stories to be told by rapists, as has happened so often in the past. We refuse to accept the notion that Africans are barbarians, as was conjectured by Herodotus of Halicarnassus, one of the earliest historians who gave a distorted history of Africa. This led to a misinterpretation of African history. Herodotus described Africa as a continent of barbarians, inhabited by humans with four legs who were animal-like and devoid of culture or religion. Joyce Cary’s “Mister Johnson” also contributed to the disparagement of African history by presenting a confusing and distorted picture of African society. This is just one example of the many derogations that have caused African writers to frown upon non-Afri...
The official media body of Department of English, Obafemi Awolowo University.